Electric field of point image charge
This is a figure I used for my homework at drexel. I drew it with very little knowledge of tikz at the time.
%%A 2021-01-12
dot/.style = {
fill = white,
inner sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 4pt
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X) at (5,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (0,4) ;
\coordinate (A) at (-4,0);
\coordinate (L) at (0,-1);
\coordinate (U) at (0,4);
\coordinate[label=above:P] (P) at (2,3);
\coordinate (B) at (4,0) {};
\draw [dotted] (O) to node [below] {$d$} (A);
\draw [dotted] (O) to node [below] {$d$} (B);
\draw [-] (O) to node [below, sloped] {$r $} (P);
\draw [dashed] (A) to node [sloped, above] {$r_2$} (P);
\draw [dashed] (B) to node [sloped, above] {$r_1$} (P);
% mirror
\draw [-] (L) -- (U);
\fill[black] (A) circle (0.13) node [circle,above,left, label=$-q$] {};
\fill [black] (B) circle(0.13) node [circle, above,right, label=$q$] {};
%\fill [gray] (O) circle(0.19) node [circle, above,left, label=$2q$] {};
\pic [draw, -, "$\theta$", angle eccentricity=1.5] {angle = B--O--P};