A possible model for free will


So, free will right? We know that it doesn't exist. I mean, how can it exist if we belive in rule of law and nobody can gen the law or act otherwise in any way? So, once the initial condition was set (somehow, we won't get into the detail of it) we are merely just flowing here and floating.

I cound't have done anything different from what I am doing now. I can't blame myself, or anyone else for that matter, for anything wrong that I think happened to me. Expecting for us to have free will is like watching a already made movie and expect the character to act differently from the last time we watched the same movie. They ain't gonna act differently because the theater is just playing a recorded cassette. Case of free will is almost similar but a little different in a sense that the movie is read from the stored media but is being created in real time with the existing metadata for the movie.

"Oh wait! the mistake that I did was not actually done by me?", yes of course.

Now this is a very dull place to live. No room for improvization and no place for different course of actions. But wait a minute, how about human evolution, Darwin's natural selection theory, is it any good? Does it yield any useful result? Well apparantly at least it does give good results. Just look at the beautiful creatures that are running around, or may be even look yourself in the mirror. Darwin's natural selection have given pretty good result. If you look at its face, the selection theory, though, there is no room for improvization either. We are certain that no intelligent creature(?) designed the beautiful creature that you are looking. Imagine starting with an single celled amoeba and ending up with the beautiful creature you are looking? Isn't all the body parts you see in the mirror are miticulously designed? But then they were technically not designed.

The world without free will is as interesting to live in as the one with free will. Only the latter has the advantage of being able to put the blame of your bad action onto nothing. Hmm, who is you then? This aggregation of chemical following the law, how can you call it 'me'?

Imagine the nervous system making the decisions. As I have implied in previous paragraphs, every future action is the function of past and the input. So there has to be a system that processes these two parameters to produce the output( future action). Something tells me with some degree of confidence that, "this system" has to be somewhere inside in our head. Not certainly our fingers or the harir ( I have removed both of those and the process still goes). Let me call "this system" our 'brain'. For us to have free will we have to have something independent of brain that will be the third parameter to this system of (input, future). Lets see the possible features of this third parameter, This third parameter can't be anything physical, because that would be another system that follows the "laws". There are to be a law unabiding citizen in this body (possibly outside, but unique to an individual (if for more than one, say 2 then, entangled beings?)). This aphysical third parameter is a possible way for us to make nature not dull.

I am not (yet) in a state of betting in favor of this third parameter.