Implementation of Huffman Algorithm in Python

# vim: ts=4:sw=4: et :

## Author : @PrakashGautam ##
## Written : Dec 15, 2015 ##
## Updated : Dec 15, 2015 ##

# This is my First dive into python. For the sake of learnig python I
# just converted my already existing C++ code into python. This surely
# not the best way to do this as it surely isn't pythonic. But this has
# helped me dive into python as I learned clearly there is nothing like
# pass by value in python.

import bisect
import copy

class HoffEncode:
    def __init__(self,ProbList):
        self.ProbList= ProbList
        self.Done = self.IterateCode(self.ProbList)

    def IterateCode(self,Codes):
        This is a recursive implementation of Huffman Algorithm. We reiterate
        the process up until an array with just two probabilities is left.
        When we are left with just two, we (arbitrarily) assign the symbols
        '0' and '1' to the last tow of them. When there are more than two
        add the last two, and push it up(?) the order in rank and remove the
        last two, and find code for that new array. When the code for that
        reduced array is found, we find the code for the added probability
        from highest, (Huffman algorithm gives least variance with the sum
        pushed highest up the order), attach it to the individual ones and
        Rem = len(Codes)
        RetVec = Codes
        LastTwoSum = Codes[0]['p'] + Codes[1]['p']
        """Assign symbols '0' and '1' to the last two"""
        RetVec[0]['c'] = '1'
        RetVec[1]['c'] = '0'
        """If only two are left, check if the sum gives probability 1, and leave"""
        if Rem == 2:
            return RetVec
            TrimmedCode = self.TrimCodes(Codes)
            RedCodes = self.IterateCode(TrimmedCode)
            RedSize = len(RedCodes)
            FoundRed = [False for Element in RedCodes]
            FoundOrg = [False for Element in Codes]
            FoundSum = False
        """ For the last two elements in the unreduced array, attach the code
        of the sum of them in the reduced array. Search from the sum from
        the top because it will give the least variance codes for symbols"""
        for j,RedElem in reversed(list(enumerate(RedCodes))):
            if LastTwoSum == RedElem['p'] and (not FoundSum) and (not FoundRed[j]) :
                RetVec[0]['c'] = RedCodes[j]['c'] + RetVec[0]['c']
                RetVec[1]['c'] = RedCodes[j]['c'] + RetVec[1]['c']
                FoundRed[j] = True
                FoundSum = True
            """Once code for the sum of them is found, find code for the rest of
            them and copy codes to them. Then return """

        for i in range(2,Rem):
            for j in range(RedSize):
                if(RetVec[i]['p'] == RedCodes[j]['p'] and (not FoundRed[j] and not FoundOrg[i])):
                    RetVec[i]['c'] = RedCodes[j]['c']
                    FoundRed[j] = True
                    FoundOrg[i] = True

        return RetVec

    def TrimCodes(self,Codes):
        Our job in this function is to add the least (last) two probabilities
        insert the sum in the array in order (lexicographic here) and remove
        the last two elements whose sum we calculated;
        LocCodes = copy.deepcopy(Codes)

        """First find the sum of last two as the least two reside on index 0 and 1"""
        LastTwoSum = LocCodes[0]['p'] + LocCodes[1]['p']

        LocCodes = LocCodes[2:]
        LocCodes.sort(key = lambda x:x['p'])
        return LocCodes
        #end TrimCodes

    def Display(self):
        for Item in self.Done:
            #end Display

    #end class HoffCode

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ProbList = [
    Coder = HoffEncode(ProbList)